Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger Point Referral pattern

Myofascial Trigger Points are known to be tender areas of muscle that are the cause of referred pain. This implies that the site at which pain can often be felt is not necessarily the site of dysfunction. Hence pain and dysfunction can be mis-diagnosed and therefore be mis-treated. 

Trigger points occur within muscle fibres and are taut bands that do not fully relax after contraction. They remain shortened and cause particular physiological changes as a result. Joints controlled by muscles with active trigger points can have a restricted range of movement and the muscles can be painful during active and passive stretching.

Much research has gone into myofascial trigger points and their pain referral patterns. It has been noted that these mapped patterns are very much consistent among us. An example of this is a headache which can be exacerbated when a muscle at the base of the skull or neck area is pressed.



There are a number of characteristics to myofascial trigger points. Once identified, the aim is to de-activate them by using a one or a combination of specific techniques, such as medical acupuncture and deep soft tissue therapy.